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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2022-12-01 10:10:51

1. gallery n.畫廊;走廊

a picture gallery美術(shù)展覽館

2. game n. 游戲;比賽

3. garage n. 車庫;汽車修理廠

4. garbage n. 廢物;垃圾

5. garden n. 花園;菜園

6. gate n.門; 城門;大門

7. general adj. 普遍的;

in general總的來說;

In general her work has been good, but this essay was bad.總的來說,她的作品不錯,但這篇文章很糟糕。

generally adv. 普遍;

8. generous adj. 慷慨大方的

9. gentle adj. 溫柔;溫柔;

10. geography n. 地理;地理

11. German adj./n.德國(的) ;德語(的) ;德國人()

12. Germany n. 德國

13. gesture n.手勢;示意動作

make a rude gesture做出粗野的姿勢

14. get (got,got) v.得到,到達,變成

get back回來,回去,回去,回去,回到某個地方,回復(fù)某人(電話,信箋等)

You'd better get back home and get the books back.


The ship got back to the port yesterday.


get close (to)接近


The farmers are getting the crops in.農(nóng)民正在收割莊稼。

get in the way妨礙

get off下車

get on上車

l get on the train every moning at 6:30.我每天早上六點半上火車。

get on/ along (well)with 和..相處(很好)

How are you getting along with your classmates?


get the first/second place獲得第一名/第二名 This time he got the first place in the exam.這次他考試得了第一名。

get up起床,起身

Get up early or you'll be late for school.趕快起床,不然你上學(xué)遲到了。

get to抵達

He just got to Beijing. 他剛到北京。

get out出去;離開

get out of ...出來

You should get out of your room.你應(yīng)該走出房間。

get over克服;恢復(fù);原諒

She can't get over shyness. 她無法克服羞怯感。

15. gift n.贈品;禮物a birthday gift生日禮物

16. giraffe n.長頸鹿 (復(fù)數(shù): giraffe or giraffes)

17. girl n.女孩;女孩

18. give (gave, given) v. 給;捐贈

give .. a hand 助...一臂之力,給... 協(xié)助

Could you give me a hand with these boxes?你能幫我搬箱子嗎?

give...a ring/call 給...打電話

give away免費贈送;

He gave away most of his money to charity.他把大部分錢捐給了慈善。

give back歸還

Could you give me back my pen?你能把那支筆還給我嗎?

give birth to生(小孩)

She gave birth to a girl last night.昨晚她生了一個女孩。


Please give your exam papers in to your teacher when you finished.答完試卷后請交給老師。

She's a brave player, she never gives in. 她是一個勇敢的球員,從不妥協(xié)。

give out分發(fā);散發(fā)

The teacher gave out the test papers. 老師發(fā)了試卷。

give up放棄,停止

Can't you give up smoking?難道你不能戒煙嗎?

19. glad adj.快樂;

I'm glad to hear he's feeling better. 聽說他身體好多了,我很高興。

20. glass n. 玻璃;玻璃;玻璃制品

a glass of water一杯水

(pl.) glasses眼鏡

a pair of glasses -一副眼鏡

21. globe n. 球狀物;球;地球儀

22. glove n. 手套;拳擊手套

a pair of gloves一副手套


mend a broken cup with glue用粘膠補破杯

glue two pieces of wood together把兩塊木頭粘在一起

24. go v.行進;去

go ahead走在前面,領(lǐng)先;做吧,做下去

-May I start now?我現(xiàn)在能開始嗎?

-Yes, go ahead.能夠,開始吧。

go away離開

Don't go away. I'll be back in a minute.別離開,我馬上回來。

go by (指時間)過去;

As time goes by my memory seems to get worse.


go in for參加

His brother doesn't go in for sports.他哥哥沒有參加運動。

go fishing (shopping, skating) (去) 釣魚(購物,滑冰)

go for a walk去散步

go off (鬧鈴) 發(fā)出噪音,離開,爆炸

This morning my alarm clock didn't go off.我的鬧鐘今天早上沒有響。

go on繼續(xù)(說/做) 下來

go on with繼續(xù)

Who knows what's going on here?誰知道這里發(fā)生了什么?

go over復(fù)習(xí),仔細檢查

Let's go over the lesson again.讓我們再復(fù)習(xí)一遍功課。

go straight along順著...一直 向前走

Go straight along the street and take these cond turning on the left.


go through查看;瀏覽

l always start the day by going through my email.


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