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  • 我十歲了英文翻譯

    As I turn ten, I cannot help but reflect upon the years gone by. From a little toddler who could barely walk, to a curious and adventurous child, it has been an incredible journey so far. As I celebrate my tenth birthday, I look back at the memories I've

    my me
  • 房子旁邊有棵樹用英語怎么寫的

    When there is a tree next to a house, it can provide a variety of benefits and drawbacks. This article will explore some of the pros and cons of having a tree near your home, as well as some tips for managing the situation.

  • 年輕人和老年人英文

    As we all know, age is just a number. However, there are certain differences and similarities between young and old people. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of young and old people in English language.

  • 110英語怎么讀

    你是否也有遇到過不知道“110”這個英文數(shù)字怎么讀的情況?一般來說,“110”可以被讀作one hundred and ten,但在某些場合下也可以讀作one ten。那么,到底應(yīng)該如何正確地讀出“110”這個數(shù)字呢?下面就讓我們來一起探討一下吧。

  • 形容人漂亮的英語單詞

    When it comes to describing someone as beautiful, there are many English words that can be used. From classic terms like “gorgeous” and “stunning” to more modern slang like “snatched” and “fire”, each word has its own unique connotation and can be used to

  • 花朵英文單詞

    Do you know how to say “flower” in English? Flowers are beautiful and colorful, and they are widely loved by people all over the world. Each flower has its own unique name in English, and the names are often related to their appearance or characteristics.

  • 形容少年的英語句子簡短


  • 英語10歲有幾種寫法


  • 學校有很多樹用英語怎么寫的

    As we all know, schools are not only a place for students to learn knowledge, but also a place for them to feel the beauty of nature. There are many trees in schools, which not only provide students with a refreshing environment, but also play an importan

  • 形容一個地方漂亮的英文單詞

    When it comes to describing a beautiful place, there are many English words that can be used. Whether it's the stunning natural landscapes or the charming urban streets, there is always something to appreciate and admire. In this article, we will explore


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