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  • 山腳下有一棵大樹英語翻譯

    At the foot of the mountain stands a large tree, which has become a landmark for hikers and adventurers. This tree has been there for decades, providing shade and shelter for those who pass by. The story of this tree has been passed down over the years, a

  • 每日法語聽力:Studyphoneticsymbolsandlinking

    Studyphoneticsymbolsandlinking.學(xué)習(xí)音標(biāo)和連讀 眾所周知,我們的聽力材料通常是一些外國人之間的對話。他們的語速非???,其中80%以上用于連續(xù)閱讀。如果我們不知道連續(xù)閱讀,我們甚至可能不理解他們演講的一般含義。因此,學(xué)習(xí)音標(biāo)和連續(xù)閱讀是非常必要的,所以我把它放在第一位。 Choosesuitablelistenin


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