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  • 在教室上課翻譯成英文

    As a student, it is common for us to attend classes and listen to lectures delivered in our native language. However, there are times when we may encounter situations where we need to translate what is being said into English. This can be challenging, but

  • 我今年十歲了用英語怎么寫


    am my
  • 南濱路英文名

    South Binjiang Road, also known as Nanbin Road, is a famous scenic road located on the south bank of the Yangtze River in Chongqing, China. The road stretches for 23.3 kilometers and offers breathtaking views of the Yangtze River, the Jialing River, and t

  • 小孩 英語 考試 ket


  • 劍橋PET考試withheld

    ## 劍橋PET考試withheld:我的吐槽與思考 劍橋PET考試withheld,這幾個字像一道閃電,照亮了我的焦慮與困惑。作為一名英語學(xué)習(xí)者,我一直對這條英語考試之路充滿期待,但沒想到卻遭遇了如此的“雷陣雨”。這次事件給我?guī)砹瞬簧偎伎己蜖幾h,從考試的公平性到未來發(fā)展的趨勢,都值得我們深思熟慮。本篇文章將從多個方面分享我的個人感受和想法,希望能引發(fā)大家的共鳴和討論。

  • 手機(jī)設(shè)置的英文


  • 一等獎英文

    Have you ever won a first prize in a competition? Winning a first prize is not an easy task and requires hard work, dedication, and passion. In this article, we will focus on the first prize, and explore its significance and impact on the lives of the peo

  • 創(chuàng)建一個森林公園英語

    Have you ever dreamed of creating your own forest park? A place where trees grow tall and animals roam free, a place where people can escape the city and immerse themselves in nature. Well, now you can make that dream a reality! Creating a forest park is

  • 移動手機(jī)的英語單詞怎么讀



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