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每日法語聽力:Sweet smile brings good

來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2022-11-09 01:59:46


A: Excuse me. Does this bus go to the newly built cinema?

B: No, you'll have to get off at the bookstore, and take a No. 39.

A: Thank you. How much is the fare to that stop?

B: One dollar.

A: How many stops are there?

B: Three stops including this one.

A: That's not too bad. By the way, do I need a transfer again after N.39?

B: No, a No.39 will take you right there.

A: Thank you.

Key words

get off: 下車; 相應上車為:get on

fare: 交通費用

that's not too bad. : 不是很差(還行),你也可以用sounds not too bad.

By the way:順便說一下;通常在書面或電子郵件中簡寫為:BTW



Step by Step, day by day!

Sweet smile brings good mood

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  3. 服務熱線:18761612306
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