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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2024-10-21 11:00:04


表達(dá)方式一:How many students are there in the classroom?

這是最基礎(chǔ)常用的表達(dá)方式,它是直接翻譯成“教室里有多少名學(xué)生?!边@種問法比較通用,可以用于任何場合,也比較容易理解。回答的時(shí)候,通常用“There are (number) students in the classroom.”來回答。其中,number表示具體的數(shù)字。例如:

Q: How many students are there in the classroom?

A: There are 30 students in the classroom.


表達(dá)方式二:What is the total number of students in the classroom?

這種表達(dá)方式和上面的方式比較相似,只是把“How many”改成了“What is the total number of”。這種表達(dá)方式更注重“總數(shù)”的概念?;卮鸬臅r(shí)候,同樣使用“There are (number) students in the classroom.”來回答。例如:

Q: What is the total number of students in the classroom?

A: There are 30 students in the classroom.

表達(dá)方式三:How many students are present in the classroom?

這個(gè)表達(dá)方式相較于前兩種更加正式和嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),它特別強(qiáng)調(diào)“在場”的學(xué)生數(shù)量。因此,如果有些學(xué)生缺席,他們就不會(huì)被算在內(nèi)?;卮鸬臅r(shí)候,依然使用“There are (number) students present in the classroom.”來回答。例如:

Q: How many students are present in the classroom?

A: There are 28 students present in the classroom.

表達(dá)方式四:How many students are in attendance?

這種表達(dá)方式和第三種也比較相似,只是把“present”改成了“in attendance”?!癷n attendance”這個(gè)詞組在英語中表示“出席、在場”,也是比較正式的用法之一?;卮鸬姆绞酵稀?/p>



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