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上海 18761612306

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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2024-05-27 15:00:03




1. Swim across the stream

2. Wade across the stream

3. Cross the stream by swimming/wading

4. Traverse the stream

5. Get across the stream



1. I swam across the stream and reached the other side safely.

2. The children waded across the stream and played on the other side.

3. We crossed the stream by swimming because the water was too deep to wade across.

4. The hiker traversed the stream carefully, using rocks to step on.

5. She managed to get across the stream without getting wet.



1. River - 河流

2. Brook - 小溪

3. Creek - 小溪

4. Tributary - 支流

5. Rapids - 急流

6. Waterfall - 瀑布

7. Bridge - 橋

8. Dam - 水壩


1. The river was too deep to cross, so we had to find a bridge.

2. The brook was so small that we could jump over it easily.

3. The creek was shallow enough to wade across, but we had to be careful of the rocks.

4. The tributary merged with the main river downstream.

5. The rapids were too dangerous for swimming.

6. We hiked to the waterfall and were amazed by its beauty.

7. The old bridge was made of wood and looked very rustic.

8. The dam created a reservoir that provided water for the nearby city.



1. Go fishing in the river/creek/brook

2. Go canoeing/kayaking/rafting on the river

3. Have a picnic by the river/brook/creek

4. Go hiking along the river/creek/brook

5. Go camping near the river/brook/creek


1. They went fishing in the creek and caught several trout.

2. We went kayaking on the river and had a great time.

3. The family had a picnic by the brook and enjoyed the peaceful scenery.

4. We went hiking along the river and saw some beautiful waterfalls.

5. They went camping by the creek and roasted marshmallows over the campfire.



1. A drop in the bucket - 小得可憐

2. Don't rock the boat - 不要惹麻煩

3. Go with the flow - 隨遇而安

4. Water under the bridge - 既往不咎

5. Testing the waters - 試探一下


1. The amount of money they donated was just a drop in the bucket compared to what was needed.

2. He was warned not to rock the boat and cause any trouble at the meeting.

3. She decided to go with the flow and see where life takes her.

4. He realized that what happened in the past was water under the bridge and he needed to move on.

5. They were testing the waters to see if it was a good idea to expand their business.

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