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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2024-02-26 17:00:05


Every child has their own pace of growth. Some might reach certain milestones earlier, while others might take a bit more time. However, the age of 12 is often considered a significant year for children, as they are on the cusp of teenagehood. For children who are learning English as a second language, this can be an especially crucial year as they continue to develop their language skills and prepare for more advanced academic studies. In this article, we will explore the milestones that a 12-year-old English learner might reach, the challenges they might face, and how parents and educators can support them.

Milestone 1: Basic Conversational Skills

By the age of 12, most English learners should have a basic conversational level of English. They should be able to introduce themselves, ask and answer simple questions, and communicate basic needs and desires. However, some children might still struggle with this depending on their native language and the amount of exposure they have had to English.

Parents and educators can help these children by encouraging them to speak English as much as possible. They can also provide them with opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers or with other English learners. Role-playing and situational exercises can also be effective tools for improving conversational skills.

Milestone 2: Reading and Writing Skills

Reading and writing are essential skills for academic success. By the age of 12, English learners should be able to read and write simple sentences and paragraphs. They should also be able to understand and write basic grammar and vocabulary. However, some children might still struggle with more complex sentence structures and vocabulary.

To improve reading and writing skills, parents and educators can incorporate English reading and writing practice into daily activities. Encouraging children to read English books, newspapers, or online articles can help improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension. Writing exercises such as journaling, creative writing, and essay writing can also be effective tools for improving writing skills.

Milestone 3: Cultural Understanding

Learning a new language also involves learning about a new culture. By the age of 12, English learners should have a basic understanding of English-speaking cultures. This includes knowledge of customs, holidays, and traditions. Children who are not exposed to English-speaking cultures may struggle with understanding and adapting to new cultural norms.

Parents and educators can help children develop cultural understanding by exposing them to English-speaking culture through books, movies, music, and food. They can also encourage children to participate in cultural events and activities hosted by the local English-speaking community.

Milestone 4: Confidence and Motivation

Confidence and motivation are essential for language learning success. By the age of 12, English learners may face challenges such as fear of making mistakes or lack of motivation to continue learning. These challenges can impact their language development and progress.

To build confidence and motivation, parents and educators can provide positive feedback and encouragement. They can also celebrate children’s language learning achievements, big or small. Creating a supportive and engaging learning environment can also help boost children’s motivation to continue learning English.

Language learning is a lifelong process. By the age of 12, English learners should have a strong foundation in English language skills. However, there is always room for improvement and growth. Continued language development can help children prepare for more advanced academic studies and future career opportunities.

To support continued language development, parents and educators can provide children with access to English language resources such as books, online courses, and language exchange programs. They can also encourage children to use English in real-life situations such as communicating with native English speakers or traveling to English-speaking countries.

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