OPFUN Talk萌課堂,專注青少在線語言啟蒙!——寰宇咨詢中心資訊網

上海 18761612306

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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2023-12-10 17:00:04




1. Do you have any available rooms for the weekend?(周末你們還有空房間嗎?)

2. How much is a room per night?(一個房間每晚多少錢?)

3. Do you have any discounts available?(有沒有優(yōu)惠折扣?)

4. Can I see the room first before I book it?(我可以先看看房間再決定嗎?)

5. What time is check-in/check-out?(幾點辦理入住/退房手續(xù)?)

6. Is there free breakfast included?(早餐包括在價格里嗎?)

7. Can I pay with a credit card?(我可以用信用卡支付嗎?)

8. Can you tell me more about the amenities in the room?(能告訴我更多關于房間設施的信息嗎?)

9. Is there a shuttle service to the airport?(有機場接送服務嗎?)

10. What is your cancellation policy?(你們的取消政策是什么?)



1. Excuse me, where can I find a taxi?(請問,出租車在哪里?)

2. How much will it cost to get to downtown?(到市中心需要多少錢?)

3. Can you help me with my luggage?(你能幫我拿下我的行李嗎?)

4. Is there a public transportation option to get to the city center?(有沒有到市中心的公共交通方案?)

5. How often do the shuttles run?(班車多久一班?)

6. Could you drop me off at this address?(你能把我送到這個地址嗎?)

7. How long does it take to get to the hotel from here?(從這里到酒店需要多長時間?)

8. Can I pay with a credit card?(我可以用信用卡支付嗎?)

9. Is there a surcharge for airport pickups?(機場接送服務有額外費用嗎?)

10. Could you please turn on the air conditioning?(請打開空調好嗎?)



1. Can you recommend any specials?(有什么特別推薦的菜嗎?)

2. What do you recommend for a vegetarian?(你們有什么素食菜品推薦嗎?)

3. Could I have a glass of water, please?(請給我一杯水好嗎?)

4. May I order now?(我可以點菜了嗎?)

5. How spicy is this dish?(這道菜有多辣?)

6. Can I have this dish without the onions?(這道菜可以不要洋蔥嗎?)

7. Is it possible to split the bill?(能不能分開付賬?)

8. Could I have the check, please?(請給我結賬單好嗎?)

9. Do you accept credit cards?(你們接受信用卡支付嗎?)

10. How long will it take for our meal to be served?(我們的食物需要多長時間才能上桌?)



1. How much does this cost?(這個多少錢?)

2. Could you give me a discount?(能不能給我打個折?)

3. Do you accept credit cards?(你們接受信用卡支付嗎?)

4. Could you show me some other options?(能給我看看其他選擇嗎?)

5. Do you have this in another color?(這個還有其他顏色嗎?)

6. Could you gift-wrap this for me?(能幫我把這個包裝好作為禮物嗎?)

7. Is there a refund policy?(有退款政策嗎?)

8. Could you please let me see the receipt?(能給我看一下收據嗎?)

9. What are the opening hours?(營業(yè)時間是什么?)

10. Could you tell me where I can find souvenirs?(請問哪里可以買到紀念品?)


1. Where is the ticket booth?(售票處在哪里?)

2. How much is the admission fee?(門票多少錢?)

3. What are the opening hours?(開門時間是什么?)

4. Is there a guided tour available?(有導游服務嗎?)

5. Could you tell me more about the history of this place?(能告訴我更多關于這個地方的歷史嗎?)

6. Are there any restrictions on taking photos?(拍照有什么限制嗎?)

7. Is there a gift shop here?(這里有禮品店嗎?)

8. Are there any audio guides available?(有音頻導覽嗎?)

9. Could you recommend any other nearby attractions?(你能推薦一些附近的其他景點嗎?)

10. Where is the nearest restroom?(最近的洗手間在哪里?)

  1. 聯系我們

  2. 在線客服:(9:00-23:00)
  3. 服務熱線:18761612306
  4. (9:00-23:00)