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來源:小編 編輯:小編 日期:2023-10-16 23:26:07



1. Hello! 你好!

2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

3. How old are you? 你幾歲了?

4. I'm [age] years old. 我 [age] 歲了。

5. Nice to meet you! 很高興見到你!

6. How are you? 你好嗎?

7. I'm fine, thank you! 我很好,謝謝!

8. Where are you from? 你來自哪里?

9. I'm from [country]. 我來自 [country]。

10. What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什么?

11. My favorite color is [color]. 我最喜歡的顏色是 [color]。

12. What's your favorite food? 你最喜歡的食物是什么?

13. My favorite food is [food]. 我最喜歡的食物是 [food]。

14. What's your favorite animal? 你最喜歡的動物是什么?

15. My favorite animal is [animal]. 我最喜歡的動物是 [animal]。

16. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

17. Yes, I have [number] sibling(s). 是的,我有 [number] 個兄弟姐妹。

18. No, I don't have any siblings. 不,我沒有兄弟姐妹。

19. What's your favorite subject in school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

20. My favorite subject in school is [subject]. 我在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是 [subject]。

21. Do you like sports? 你喜歡運動嗎?

22. Yes, I like [sport]. 是的,我喜歡 [sport]。

23. No, I don't like sports. 不,我不喜歡運動。

24. What's your favorite hobby? 你最喜歡的愛好是什么?

25. My favorite hobby is [hobby]. 我最喜歡的愛好是 [hobby]。

26. Can you swim? 你會游泳嗎?

27. Yes, I can swim. 是的,我會游泳。

28. No, I can't swim. 不,我不會游泳。

29. What do you want to be when you grow up? 你長大后想要成為什么?

30. I want to be a [occupation]. 我想要成為一名 [occupation]。

31. What's your favorite book? 你最喜歡的書是什么?

32. My favorite book is [book]. 我最喜歡的書是 [book]。

33. Can you play a musical instrument? 你會演奏樂器嗎?

34. Yes, I can play [instrument]. 是的,我會演奏 [instrument]。

35. No, I can't play any musical instrument. 不,我不會演奏任何樂器。

36. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜歡的電影是什么?

37. My favorite movie is [movie]. 我最喜歡的電影是 [movie]。

38. Do you have any pets? 你有寵物嗎?

39. Yes, I have a [pet]. 是的,我有一只 [pet]。

40. No, I don't have any pets. 不,我沒有寵物。

41. What's your favorite season? 你最喜歡的季節(jié)是什么?

42. My favorite season is [season]. 我最喜歡的季節(jié)是 [season]。

43. What's your favorite holiday? 你最喜歡的假期是什么?

44. My favorite holiday is [holiday]. 我最喜歡的假期是 [holiday]。

45. Can you ride a bike? 你會騎自行車嗎?

46. Yes, I can ride a bike. 是的,我會騎自行車。

47. No, I can't ride a bike. 不,我不會騎自行車。

48. What's your favorite fruit? 你最喜歡的水果是什么?

49. My favorite fruit is [fruit]. 我最喜歡的水果是 [fruit]。

50. What's your favorite vegetable? 你最喜歡的蔬菜是什么?

51. My favorite vegetable is [vegetable]. 我最喜歡的蔬菜是 [vegetable]。

52. Do you have a best friend? 你有一個最好的朋友嗎?

53. Yes, my best friend is [name]. 是的,我的最好朋友是 [name]。

54. No, I don't have a best friend. 不,我沒有一個最好的朋友。

55. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜歡的運動是什么?

56. My favorite sport is [sport]. 我最喜歡的運動是 [sport]。

57. Can you dance? 你會跳舞嗎?

58. Yes, I can dance. 是的,我會跳舞。

59. No, I can't dance. 不,我不會跳舞。

60. What's your favorite song? 你最喜歡的歌曲是什么?

61. My favorite song is [song]. 我最喜歡的歌曲是 [song]。

62. Do you like to draw? 你喜歡畫畫嗎?

63. Yes, I like to draw. 是的,我喜歡畫畫。

64. No, I don't like to draw. 不,我不喜歡畫畫。

65. What's your favorite place? 你最喜歡的地方是哪里?

66. My favorite place is [place]. 我最喜歡的地方是 [place]。

67. What's your favorite toy? 你最喜歡的玩具是什么?

68. My favorite toy is [toy]. 我最喜歡的玩具是 [toy]。

69. Can you speak another language? 你會說其他語言嗎?

70. Yes, I can speak [language]. 是的,我會說 [language]。

71. No, I can't speak another language. 不,我不會說其他語言。

72. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? 你最喜歡的冰淇淋口味是什么?

73. My favorite ice cream flavor is [flavor]. 我最喜歡的冰淇淋口味是 [flavor]。

74. Do you like to play video games? 你喜歡玩電子游戲嗎?

75. Yes, I like to play video games. 是的,我喜歡玩電子游戲。

76. No, I don't like to play video games. 不,我不喜歡玩電子游戲。

77. What's your favorite cartoon? 你最喜歡的卡通片是什么?

78. My favorite cartoon is [cartoon]. 我最喜歡的卡通片是 [cartoon]。

79. Can you juggle? 你會雜耍嗎?

80. Yes, I can juggle. 是的,我會雜耍。

81. No, I can't juggle. 不,我不會雜耍。

82. What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什么?

83. My favorite color is [color]. 我最喜歡的顏色是 [color]。

84. Do you like to sing? 你喜歡唱歌嗎?

85. Yes, I like to sing. 是的,我喜歡唱歌。

86. No, I don't like to sing. 不,我不喜歡唱歌。

87. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜歡的運動是什么?

88. My favorite sport is [sport]. 我最喜歡的運動是 [sport]。

89. Can you do a handstand? 你會倒立嗎?

90. Yes, I can do a handstand. 是的,我會倒立。

91. No, I can't do a handstand. 不,我不會倒立。

92. What's your favorite game? 你最喜歡的游戲是什么?

93. My favorite game is [game]. 我最喜歡的游戲是 [game]。

94. Do you like to cook? 你喜歡做飯嗎?

95. Yes, I like to cook. 是的,我喜歡做飯。

96. No, I don't like to cook. 不,我不喜歡做飯。

97. What's your favorite dessert? 你最喜歡的甜點是什么?

98. My favorite dessert is [dessert]. 我最喜歡的甜點是 [dessert]。

99. Do you like to read? 你喜歡閱讀嗎?

100. Yes, I like to read. 是的,我喜歡閱讀。



1. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

2. How old are you? 你多大了?

3. Where are you from? 你來自哪里?

4. Do you like ice cream? 你喜歡冰淇淋嗎?

5. Can you swim? 你會游泳嗎?

6. What’s your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什么?

7. Do you have any pets? 你養(yǎng)寵物嗎?

8. What’s your favorite food? 你最喜歡的食物是什么?

9. Can you play the piano? 你會彈鋼琴嗎?

10. Are you a boy or a girl? 你是男孩還是女孩?

11. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜歡的科目是什么?

12. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

13. What’s your favorite animal? 你最喜歡的動物是什么?

14. Can you ride a bike? 你會騎自行車嗎?

15. What’s your favorite book? 你最喜歡的書是什么?

16. Do you like to dance? 你喜歡跳舞嗎?

17. What do you want to be when you grow up? 你長大后想當(dāng)什么?

18. Can you speak any other languages? 你會說其他語言嗎?

19. What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜歡的運動是什么?

20. Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么愛好嗎?

21. What’s your favorite movie? 你最喜歡的電影是什么?

22. Can you draw? 你會畫畫嗎?

23. What’s your favorite season? 你最喜歡的季節(jié)是什么?

24. Do you like to sing? 你喜歡唱歌嗎?

25. What’s your favorite fruit? 你最喜歡的水果是什么?

26. Can you do a cartwheel? 你會翻筋斗嗎?

27. What’s your favorite holiday? 你最喜歡的假期是什么?

28. Do you have any best friends? 你有最好的朋友嗎?

29. What’s your favorite game? 你最喜歡的游戲是什么?

30. Can you do a handstand? 你會倒立嗎?

31. What’s your favorite vegetable? 你最喜歡的蔬菜是什么?

32. Do you like to go camping? 你喜歡去露營嗎?

33. What’s your favorite song? 你最喜歡的歌曲是什么?

34. Can you ride a skateboard? 你會滑旱冰嗎?

35. What’s your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什么?

36. Do you like to swim? 你喜歡游泳嗎?

37. What’s your favorite toy? 你最喜歡的玩具是什么?

38. Can you do a somersault? 你會翻跟頭嗎?

39. What’s your favorite TV show? 你最喜歡的電視節(jié)目是什么?

40. Do you like to play chess? 你喜歡下棋嗎?

41. What’s your favorite dessert? 你最喜歡的甜點是什么?

42. Can you do a hand clap? 你會拍手嗎?

43. What’s your favorite hobby? 你最喜歡的愛好是什么?

44. Do you like to read books? 你喜歡讀書嗎?

45. What’s your favorite subject at school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

46. Can you do a forward roll? 你會前滾嗎?

47. What’s your favorite sport to watch? 你最喜歡看的運動是什么?

48. Do you like to play board games? 你喜歡玩桌游嗎?

49. What’s your favorite type of music? 你最喜歡的音樂類型是什么?

50. Can you do a magic trick? 你會變魔術(shù)嗎?

51. What’s your favorite animal at the zoo? 你最喜歡動物園里的哪種動物?

52. Do you like to do puzzles? 你喜歡做拼圖嗎?

53. What’s your favorite superhero? 你最喜歡的超級英雄是誰?

54. Can you do a backbend? 你會后仰嗎?

55. What’s your favorite subject in art class? 你在美術(shù)課上最喜歡的科目是什么?

56. Do you like to do crafts? 你喜歡做手工嗎?

57. What’s your favorite type of bird? 你最喜歡哪種鳥?

58. Can you do a hula hoop? 你會玩呼啦圈嗎?

59. What’s your favorite bedtime story? 你最喜歡的睡前故事是什么?

60. Do you like to do science experiments? 你喜歡做科學(xué)實驗嗎?

61. What’s your favorite type of dinosaur? 你最喜歡哪種恐龍?

62. Can you do a hand puppet? 你會玩手偶嗎?

63. What’s your favorite board game? 你最喜歡的桌游是什么?

64. Do you like to go for walks? 你喜歡散步嗎?

65. What’s your favorite type of music to dance to? 你最喜歡跳舞的音樂類型是什么?

66. Can you do a magic trick? 你會魔術(shù)嗎?

67. What’s your favorite planet? 你最喜歡的行星是什么?

68. Do you like to play with dolls? 你喜歡玩娃娃嗎?

69. What’s your favorite type of flower? 你最喜歡哪種花?

70. Can you do a handstand? 你會倒立嗎?

71. What’s your favorite type of music? 你最喜歡的音樂類型是什么?

72. Do you like to play with Legos? 你喜歡玩樂高嗎?

73. What’s your favorite type of bug? 你最喜歡哪種蟲子?

74. Can you do a backflip? 你會后空翻嗎?

75. What’s your favorite thing to do outside? 你最喜歡在戶外做什么?

76. Do you like to play with trains? 你喜歡玩火車嗎?

77. What’s your favorite type of tree? 你最喜歡哪種樹?

78. Can you do a split? 你會劈叉嗎?

79. What’s your favorite type of weather? 你最喜歡哪種天氣?

80. Do you like to play with cars? 你喜歡玩車嗎?

81. What’s your favorite type of ocean animal? 你最喜歡哪種海洋動物?

82. Can you do a handstand push-up? 你會倒立俯臥撐嗎?

83. What’s your favorite type of plant? 你最喜歡哪種植物?

84. Do you like to play with dolls? 你喜歡玩娃娃嗎?

85. What’s your favorite type of insect? 你最喜歡哪種昆蟲?

86. Can you do a backflip? 你會后空翻嗎?

87. What’s your favorite thing to do outside? 你最喜歡在戶外做什么?

88. Do you like to play with trains? 你喜歡玩火車嗎?

89. What’s your favorite type of tree? 你最喜歡哪種樹?

90. Can you do a split? 你會劈叉嗎?

91. What’s your favorite type of weather? 你最喜歡哪種天氣?

92. Do you like to play with cars? 你喜歡玩車嗎?

93. What’s your favorite type of ocean animal? 你最喜歡哪種海洋動物?

94. Can you do a handstand push-up? 你會倒立俯臥撐嗎?

95. What’s your favorite type of plant? 你最喜歡哪種植物?

96. Do you like to play with dolls? 你喜歡玩娃娃嗎?

97. What’s your favorite type of insect? 你最喜歡哪種昆蟲?

98. Can you do a backflip? 你會后空翻嗎?

99. What’s your favorite thing to do outside? 你最喜歡在戶外做什么?

100. Do you like to play with trains? 你喜歡玩火車嗎?



1. Hello! 你好!

2. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

3. How old are you? 你多大了?

4. Where are you from? 你來自哪里?

5. Do you like ice cream? 你喜歡冰淇淋嗎?

6. Can you swim? 你會游泳嗎?

7. What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡的顏色是什么?

8. How are you feeling today? 你今天感覺怎么樣?

9. Have you finished your homework? 你完成作業(yè)了嗎?

10. Do you have any pets? 你有寵物嗎?

11. What's your favorite subject in school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

12. Can you ride a bike? 你會騎自行車嗎?

13. What's your favorite food? 你最喜歡的食物是什么?

14. What's your hobby? 你的愛好是什么?

15. Do you like to read books? 你喜歡讀書嗎?

16. What time is it now? 現(xiàn)在幾點了?

17. Can you play the piano? 你會彈鋼琴嗎?

18. What's your favorite animal? 你最喜歡的動物是什么?

19. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜歡的運動是什么?

20. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

21. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜歡的電影是什么?

22. How do you spell your name? 你的名字怎么拼寫?

23. Can you speak English? 你會說英語嗎?

24. Do you like to draw? 你喜歡畫畫嗎?

25. What's your favorite book? 你最喜歡的書是什么?

26. What's your favorite fruit? 你最喜歡的水果是什么?

27. Do you have any allergies? 你有任何過敏反應(yīng)嗎?

28. Can you dance? 你會跳舞嗎?

29. What's your favorite season? 你最喜歡的季節(jié)是什么?

30. How many languages do you speak? 你會說多少種語言?

31. What's your favorite holiday? 你最喜歡的假期是什么?

32. Can you play a musical instrument? 你會演奏樂器嗎?

33. What's your favorite song? 你最喜歡的歌曲是什么?

34. Do you like to go camping? 你喜歡露營嗎?

35. What's your favorite game? 你最喜歡的游戲是什么?

36. Can you cook? 你會做飯嗎?

37. What's your favorite TV show? 你最喜歡的電視節(jié)目是什么?

38. Do you like to play outside? 你喜歡在外面玩嗎?

39. What's your favorite school subject? 你最喜歡的學(xué)科是什么?

40. Can you speak any other languages? 你會說其他語言嗎?

41. What's your favorite kind of music? 你最喜歡什么類型的音樂?

42. Do you like to sing? 你喜歡唱歌嗎?

43. What's your favorite place to visit? 你最喜歡去哪個地方旅游?

44. Can you do a handstand? 你會倒立嗎?

45. What's your favorite subject in school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

46. Do you like to play board games? 你喜歡玩桌游嗎?

47. What's your favorite cartoon? 你最喜歡的卡通片是什么?

48. Can you do a somersault? 你會翻跟頭嗎?

49. What's your favorite type of weather? 你最喜歡什么類型的天氣?

50. Do you like to go to the beach? 你喜歡去海灘嗎?

51. What's your favorite subject in school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

52. Can you do magic tricks? 你會變魔術(shù)嗎?

53. What's your favorite board game? 你最喜歡的桌游是什么?

54. Do you like to paint? 你喜歡繪畫嗎?

55. What's your favorite country? 你最喜歡的國家是哪個?

56. Can you do a cartwheel? 你會做翻跟斗嗎?

57. What's your favorite subject in school? 你在學(xué)校最喜歡的科目是什么?

58. Do you like to play video games? 你喜歡玩電子游戲嗎?

59. What's your favorite instrument? 你最喜歡的樂器是什么?

60. Can you do a backflip? 你會做后空翻嗎?

61. What's your favorite art activity? 你最喜歡的藝術(shù)活動是什么?

62. Do you like to solve puzzles? 你喜歡解謎嗎?

63. What's your favorite type of dance? 你最喜歡什么類型的舞蹈?

64. Can you do a split? 你會劈腿嗎?

65. What's your favorite type of transportation? 你最喜歡什么類型的交通工具?

66. Do you like to do crafts? 你喜歡做手工嗎?

67. What's your favorite holiday tradition? 你最喜歡的假期傳統(tǒng)是什么?

68. Can you juggle? 你會雜耍嗎?

69. What's your favorite type of animal? 你最喜歡什么類型的動物?

70. Do you like to go hiking? 你喜歡去徒步旅行嗎?

71. What's your favorite type of art? 你最喜歡什么類型的藝術(shù)?

72. Can you do a hand clap game? 你會做拍手游戲嗎?

73. What's your favorite type of plant? 你最喜歡什么類型的植物?

74. Do you like to go to the zoo? 你喜歡去動物園嗎?

75. What's your favorite type of weather? 你最喜歡什么類型的天氣?

76. Can you do a puzzle? 你會做拼圖嗎?

77. What's your favorite type of book? 你最喜歡什么類型的書?

78. Do you like to go to the park? 你喜歡去公園嗎?

79. What's your favorite type of insect? 你最喜歡什么類型的昆蟲?

80. Can you do a magic trick? 你會變魔術(shù)嗎?

81. What's your favorite type of music? 你最喜歡什么類型的音樂?

82. Do you like to go to the museum? 你喜歡去博物館嗎?

83. What's your favorite type of food? 你最喜歡什么類型的食物?

84. Can you do a back handspring? 你會做后手翻嗎?

85. What's your favorite type of movie? 你最喜歡什么類型的電影?

86. Do you like to go to the library? 你喜歡去圖書館嗎?

87. What's your favorite type of sport? 你最喜歡什么類型的運動?

88. Can you do a forward roll? 你會做前滾嗎?

89. What's your favorite type of toy? 你最喜歡什么類型的玩具?

90. Do you like to go to the circus? 你喜歡去馬戲團嗎?

91. What's your favorite type of candy? 你最喜歡什么類型的糖果?

92. Can you do a handstand push-up? 你會做倒立俯臥撐嗎?

93. What's your favorite type of clothing? 你最喜歡什么類型的衣服?

94. Do you like to go to the aquarium? 你喜歡去水族館嗎?

95. What's your favorite type of fruit? 你最喜歡什么類型的水果?

96. Can you do a yoga pose? 你會做瑜伽姿勢嗎?

97. What's your favorite type of dessert? 你最喜歡什么類型的甜點?

98. Do you like to go to the amusement park? 你喜歡去游樂園嗎?

99. What's your favorite type of vegetable? 你最喜歡什么類型的蔬菜?

100. Can you do a split jump? 你會做劈叉跳嗎?



1. Hello! - 你好!

2. How are you? - 你好嗎?

3. What's your name? - 你叫什么名字?

4. My name is Lucy. - 我叫露西。

5. How old are you? - 你幾歲了?

6. I'm five years old. - 我五歲了。

7. Where are you from? - 你來自哪里?

8. I'm from China. - 我來自中國。

9. Can you speak English? - 你會說英語嗎?

10. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

11. Good morning! - 早上好!

12. Good afternoon! - 下午好!

13. Good evening! - 晚上好!

14. Goodbye! - 再見!

15. See you later! - 回頭見!

16. How are you today? - 你今天好嗎?

17. I'm fine, thank you. - 我很好,謝謝。

18. What's this? - 這是什么?

19. That's a book. - 那是一本書。

20. Where is the bathroom? - 衛(wèi)生間在哪里?

21. Can I go to the park? - 我可以去公園嗎?

22. Yes, you can. - 是的,你可以。

23. What's your favorite color? - 你最喜歡什么顏色?

24. My favorite color is blue. - 我最喜歡的顏色是藍色。

25. Do you like ice cream? - 你喜歡冰淇淋嗎?

26. Yes, I do. - 是的,我喜歡。

27. I'm hungry. - 我餓了。

28. Let's have lunch. - 讓我們吃午飯吧。

29. Do you have any pets? - 你有寵物嗎?

30. Yes, I have a dog. - 是的,我有一只狗。

31. What's your favorite food? - 你最喜歡的食物是什么?

32. My favorite food is pizza. - 我最喜歡的食物是比薩。

33. Can you swim? - 你會游泳嗎?

34. No, I can't. - 不,我不會。

35. Can you ride a bike? - 你會騎自行車嗎?

36. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

37. What's the weather like today? - 今天天氣怎么樣?

38. It's sunny. - 天晴。

39. It's raining. - 下雨了。

40. I'm cold. - 我冷。

41. I'm hot. - 我熱。

42. What's your favorite animal? - 你最喜歡的動物是什么?

43. My favorite animal is a panda. - 我最喜歡的動物是熊貓。

44. What's your favorite subject? - 你最喜歡的科目是什么?

45. My favorite subject is math. - 我最喜歡的科目是數(shù)學(xué)。

46. What's your favorite sport? - 你最喜歡的運動是什么?

47. My favorite sport is swimming. - 我最喜歡的運動是游泳。

48. Can you play the piano? - 你會彈鋼琴嗎?

49. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

50. Can you sing a song? - 你能唱首歌嗎?

51. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

52. Can you dance? - 你會跳舞嗎?

53. No, I can't. - 不,我不會。

54. Can you draw a picture? - 你會畫畫嗎?

55. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

56. What's your favorite book? - 你最喜歡的書是什么?

57. My favorite book is Harry Potter. - 我最喜歡的書是哈利·波特。

58. Do you have any brothers or sisters? - 你有兄弟姐妹嗎?

59. Yes, I have a brother. - 是的,我有一個弟弟。

60. What's your favorite movie? - 你最喜歡的電影是什么?

61. My favorite movie is Frozen. - 我最喜歡的電影是《冰雪奇緣》。

62. What's your favorite fruit? - 你最喜歡的水果是什么?

63. My favorite fruit is apple. - 我最喜歡的水果是蘋果。

64. What's your favorite vegetable? - 你最喜歡的蔬菜是什么?

65. My favorite vegetable is carrot. - 我最喜歡的蔬菜是胡蘿卜。

66. What's your favorite drink? - 你最喜歡的飲料是什么?

67. My favorite drink is orange juice. - 我最喜歡的飲料是橙汁。

68. What's your favorite season? - 你最喜歡的季節(jié)是什么?

69. My favorite season is spring. - 我最喜歡的季節(jié)是春天。

70. Can you count to ten? - 你會數(shù)到十嗎?

71. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

72. What's your favorite toy? - 你最喜歡的玩具是什么?

73. My favorite toy is a teddy bear. - 我最喜歡的玩具是泰迪熊。

74. What's your favorite game? - 你最喜歡的游戲是什么?

75. My favorite game is hide and seek. - 我最喜歡的游戲是捉迷藏。

76. What's your favorite instrument? - 你最喜歡的樂器是什么?

77. My favorite instrument is the guitar. - 我最喜歡的樂器是吉他。

78. What's your favorite hobby? - 你最喜歡的愛好是什么?

79. My favorite hobby is reading. - 我最喜歡的愛好是閱讀。

80. Can you speak Chinese? - 你會說中文嗎?

81. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

82. Can you write your name? - 你會寫你的名字嗎?

83. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

84. What's your favorite place? - 你最喜歡的地方是哪里?

85. My favorite place is the beach. - 我最喜歡的地方是海灘。

86. Can you help me? - 你能幫助我嗎?

87. Yes, I can. - 是的,我可以。

88. What's your favorite holiday? - 你最喜歡的假期是什么?

89. My favorite holiday is Christmas. - 我最喜歡的假期是圣誕節(jié)。

90. Can you tell me a joke? - 你能給我講個笑話嗎?

91. Yes, I can. - 是的,我可以。

92. What's your favorite dessert? - 你最喜歡的甜點是什么?

93. My favorite dessert is ice cream. - 我最喜歡的甜點是冰淇淋。

94. Can you write a letter? - 你會寫信嗎?

95. Yes, I can. - 是的,我會。

96. What's your favorite holiday? - 你最喜歡的假期是什么?

97. My favorite holiday is Halloween. - 我最喜歡的假期是萬圣節(jié)。

98. Can you tell me a story? - 你能給我講個故事嗎?

99. Yes, I can. - 是的,我可以。

100. Thank you! - 謝謝你!



1. How are you?

2. What is your name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. Do you like ice cream?

6. What is your favorite color?

7. Can you swim?

8. Do you have any pets?

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?

10. Can you sing a song?

11. What is your favorite animal?

12. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

13. What is your favorite food?

14. Can you ride a bike?

15. What is your favorite subject in school?

16. Do you like to read?

17. What is your favorite sport?

18. Can you play the piano?

19. What is your favorite movie?

20. Do you like to draw?

21. What is your favorite book?

22. Can you speak any other languages?

23. What is your favorite season?

24. Do you like to dance?

25. What is your favorite holiday?

26. Can you play any musical instruments?

27. What is your favorite fruit?

28. Do you like to play video games?

29. What is your favorite dessert?

30. Can you do a handstand?

31. What is your favorite place to visit?

32. Do you like to swim in the ocean?

33. What is your favorite song?

34. Can you do a cartwheel?

35. What is your favorite TV show?

36. Do you like to play outside?

37. What is your favorite hobby?

38. Can you do a somersault?

39. What is your favorite game?

40. Do you like to go camping?

41. What is your favorite toy?

42. Can you do a backflip?

43. What is your favorite type of music?

44. Do you like to go hiking?

45. What is your favorite school subject?

46. Can you do a handstand push-up?

47. What is your favorite musical?

48. Do you like to go fishing?

49. What is your favorite cartoon?

50. Can you do a split?

51. What is your favorite board game?

52. Do you like to go biking?

53. What is your favorite TV character?

54. Can you do a handstand on the balance beam?

55. What is your favorite type of dance?

56. Do you like to go skiing?

57. What is your favorite school subject?

58. Can you do a backflip on the trampoline?

59. What is your favorite type of music?

60. Do you like to go sledding?

61. What is your favorite movie character?

62. Can you do a handstand on the monkey bars?

63. What is your favorite type of art?

64. Do you like to go rollerblading?

65. What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

66. Can you do a handstand on the diving board?

67. What is your favorite type of science?

68. Do you like to go horseback riding?

69. What is your favorite superhero?

70. Can you do a backflip on the trapeze?

71. What is your favorite type of math?

72. Do you like to go rock climbing?

73. What is your favorite princess?

74. Can you do a handstand on the parallel bars?

75. What is your favorite type of history?

76. Do you like to go ice skating?

77. What is your favorite dinosaur?

78. Can you do a handstand on the balance beam?

79. What is your favorite type of geography?

80. Do you like to go swimming in the pool?

81. What is your favorite planet?

82. Can you do a backflip on the trampoline?

83. What is your favorite type of English?

84. Do you like to go running?

85. What is your favorite fruit?

86. Can you do a handstand on the pommel horse?

87. What is your favorite type of art?

88. Do you like to go biking?

89. What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

90. Can you do a handstand on the diving board?

91. What is your favorite type of science?

92. Do you like to go horseback riding?

93. What is your favorite superhero?

94. Can you do a backflip on the trapeze?

95. What is your favorite type of math?

96. Do you like to go rock climbing?

97. What is your favorite princess?

98. Can you do a handstand on the parallel bars?

99. What is your favorite type of history?

100. Do you like to go ice skating?

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